Friday, March 23, 2012

Community Week of 3/25/12

This week's word is Community.  Having community is a very important part of following God. It was his plan for us from the very beginning.  We find this out in the second chapter of the bible, God says that it is not good for Adam to be alone.  It's interesting because until this point God had declared everything to be good, but he calls the fact that Adam is alone not good, and he makes Eve.  It was never God's plan for any of us to be alone. 

Along with learning about Adam being designed for companionship, we learned about encouraging each other in Hebrews chapter 3.  We also looked at Matthew chapter 10 where it talks about how Jesus had a community of 12 disciples who he did ministry with.  It seems to me that if it was important for Jesus it is probably important for all of us!

Sometimes in our culture we can undervalue community with other Christians.  However, the fact is that we absolutely need each other if we are going to successfully follow Jesus. We were not designed to "go it alone", and unlike Euchre you will not receive more points if you do it.  For some people Christian community happens easily and naturally, but if you do not have a support system of other Christ followers that you can actually talk to, you should seek these relationships out.  A good way to start would be by joining a small group, or getting involved in Sparks (if you are a woman) or plugging in to a ministry at LSCC.  

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